3.8.3 Qualified Staff
The institution provides a sufficient number of qualified staff— with appropriate education or experiences in library and/or other learning/information resources—to accomplish the mission of the institution.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
SWTJC/SR-RGC Libraries have 2 full-time librarians and 1 part-time librarian, all with master's degrees from an American Library Association accredited library program. They have job related experience appropriate for their positions. The Librarians and their job duties are listed below.
Karen Baen, MLS (full-time), Director of Libraries and Information Resources
Directs Southwest Texas Junior College/Sul Ross-Rio Grande College Libraries, a shared facility between Southwest Texas Junior College and Sul Ross-Rio Grande College
April Cole, MLS (full-time), Instruction and Outreach Librarian
Provides library instruction; provides reference services
Virginia Davis, MLS (part-time), Archivist
Processes and manages all archival and manuscript collections
There are 7 full time staff personnel (3 at the Uvalde campus and 2 each at the Del Rio and Eagle Pass campuses) and one part-time, with 5.9 FTE student assistants. All staff have appropriate training in their area plus training to assist students in searching for information as well as in the basic use of computers.
Del Rio
Sandra Colombo (full-time) - Resource Technician
Dora Padilla (full-time) - Resource Technician
Edna Williams, M.Ed. (part-time) - Adjunct Librarian
Eagle Pass
Julie Monsivais (full-time) - Resource Technician
Jaime Sierra (full-time) - Resource Technician
Marcelino Alderete (full-time) - Acquisitions Technician
Brenda Cantu (full-time) - Circulation/ILL Technician
Francisco Gonzales (full-time) - Computer Technician
Evaluation of Staff
ACRL standards are used as guidelines to develop criteria for staffing positions. Each staff member is evaluated yearly. The evaluation is performed by the Director of the Library, the Associate Vice-President of Del Rio, or the Associate Vice-President Eagle Pass. Ensuring that the services performed are in line with the mission of the college and the library.
All library staff members attend professional development to stay current with trends in the field of library science and customer service. The librarians, two of whom hold appointed offices in Texas Library Association committees, are active members of several professional organizations. The full time librarians serve on numerous campus committees, which provides valuable insight into the needs of the institution.
SWTJC Library Personnel Job Duties
ACRL Standards for Distance Learning Library Services
SWTJC Staffing and Facilities
SWTJC Staff Professional Development
SWTJC Professional Organization and Committees
SWTJC Librarian Campus Committee Membership